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Home > Funny Stuff > Lawyer Jokes > Lawyers Girl

Rated: 3.33/10 | Votes: 27 | Views: 19,902 |Submitted: 11.18.08

Once, there was a lawyer. This lawyer had a wife and a little girl who he loved. He made a good living and pretty satisfied with life.

He was surprised when his daughter began avoiding him one day. Goodnight kisses stopped. Hug were few and far between. She never sat on her father's lap and practically refused to listen to bedtime stories from him.

The lawyer began to get more than a little frustrated with this behavior and decided to talk to his daughter about it. He brought it up with her.

She wouldn't talk to her father and so she wrote a note to be given to him via her mother.

When the lawyer read the note, he was a bit shocked. This is what it read:

"Mindy's dadee sayz that lawyers suk the blood ouwt of aneeone thay come close to. i dont want yu to suk mi blod, so dont come clos to me pleas. thank yu. sophie."

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