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Home > Funny Stuff > Men Jokes > Men Go To Heaven

Rated: 4.00/10 | Votes: 16 | Views: 22,436 |Submitted: 8.21.08

There are 3 guys who get a visit from an angle. The angle says, “I’m giving you a heads up. You are going to die and then come back with a girl. How good you are in heaven determines how beautiful she’ll be.

So the first guy comes back and is with a really ugly girl. The most ugly you have probably seen.

Then, the second guy comes back and is with an even uglier girl.

But, when the third guy comes back he is with the most beautiful girl you ever did see.

The first 2 guys look at each other saying, “Wow, he must have been very good.”

Then the woman shouts, “I GOT STUCK WITH HIM!”

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